There was this other time when my Boss had trouble believing that some deranged woman tried to get me arrested for bumping into her on the escalator at Marble Arch Tube Station.

She called a young policeman over and insisted he took my name and address. To give him his due, it only took him all of 5 minutes to realise she was stark staring mad!

He looked from me to her, sized up the situation and said to me:

'Do you want to give this lady your name and address?' and before I could draw breath, he turned back to her and said: 'She doesn't want to', then nodded at me to make a quick exit whilst he held on to the, now very irritated and bouncy about, looney!

Admittedly I had already been running late for work, but this definitely made me much later.

As I began my excuses to Mr Finnegan, he held his head in his hands, sighed, and said to the Manager: 'Just get her out of here and back to her desk, would you'. Like he'd heard this type of crap from me before??? hee hee