a little earlier, in the same shop, I was queuing behind a man to get my green groceries weighed. As I was waiting another man arrived and stood behind the counter NEXT to the chap doing the weighing.
I waited to see what would happen and, sure enough, the assistant went to take the second man's groceries before mine.
Happily the second customer was a gentleman and shook his head at the assistant and nodded towards me. I thanked him politely even though I had no need, since I had been there first.
That assistant was about to openly differentiate between my white face and the one which was the same shade as his own. Which was exactly what the broom bloke did.
SORRY Starseed - didn't mean to hijack - apologies (my bad)
First time I've encountered this behaviour. Believe you me, I would NOT have been slow in making a fuss had he served that chap first.
a little earlier, in the same shop, I was queuing behind a man to get my green groceries weighed. As I was waiting another man arrived and stood behind the counter NEXT to the chap doing the weighing.
I waited to see what would happen and, sure enough, the assistant went to take the second man's groceries before mine.
Happily the second customer was a gentleman and shook his head at the assistant and nodded towards me. I thanked him politely even though I had no need, since I had been there first.
That assistant was about to openly differentiate between my white face and the one which was the same shade as his own. Which was exactly what the broom bloke did.
SORRY Starseed - didn't mean to hijack - apologies (my bad)
First time I've encountered this behaviour. Believe you me, I would NOT have been slow in making a fuss had he served that chap first.