which sounds similar to what you may have thought was a rather 'silly' suggestion about freezers, but if you see my post about how to cook pork, then this again makes some sense as to the reasoning behind this.
"Both the Koran and the Torah have prohibitions against eating the flesh of cloven-hooved animals,i.e., pigs and a few other species you wouldn't think of eating anyhow. Some people say that the pig was viewed as unclean because they eat just about anything, but it's also a good idea for a nomadic people not to eat something that takes a long time to cook to eliminate the trichinosis bacteria that used to be common in pork."
which sounds similar to what you may have thought was a rather 'silly' suggestion about freezers, but if you see my post about how to cook pork, then this again makes some sense as to the reasoning behind this.
"Both the Koran and the Torah have prohibitions against eating the flesh of cloven-hooved animals,i.e., pigs and a few other species you wouldn't think of eating anyhow. Some people say that the pig was viewed as unclean because they eat just about anything, but it's also a good idea for a nomadic people not to eat something that takes a long time to cook to eliminate the trichinosis bacteria that used to be common in pork."