and I hear what you are saying but, as you say, the fact remains that we achieve nothing in these discussions because there are hardliners everywhere in this world and, until one or other section of those fundamentalist quit trying to impose their laws on others, there will always be conflict and bad feelings.
I read daily in UK newspapers about how people are finding various matters concerning Islam unacceptable. Today there is an article about State funded schools which are specifically for teaching Muslim children. The big and understandable fear in today's climate is that the schools with breed more discontent in our society and isolate those children and their families, causing ghettos to spring up.
One person commented in a letter to the editor that to fund schools this way was taking us back to the religious segregation days of not so many decades ago which made for so much killing in, say, Northern Ireland.
Children MUST be taught both sides of the coin or, at least, tolerance of others - they are our future, after all.
and I hear what you are saying but, as you say, the fact remains that we achieve nothing in these discussions because there are hardliners everywhere in this world and, until one or other section of those fundamentalist quit trying to impose their laws on others, there will always be conflict and bad feelings.
I read daily in UK newspapers about how people are finding various matters concerning Islam unacceptable. Today there is an article about State funded schools which are specifically for teaching Muslim children. The big and understandable fear in today's climate is that the schools with breed more discontent in our society and isolate those children and their families, causing ghettos to spring up.
One person commented in a letter to the editor that to fund schools this way was taking us back to the religious segregation days of not so many decades ago which made for so much killing in, say, Northern Ireland.
Children MUST be taught both sides of the coin or, at least, tolerance of others - they are our future, after all.
I don't know what to say, I really don't :o(