I beg to differ. I don't know if you or someone you know have children enrolled in public schools but if you do then you know the situation is dispecable to say the least. Maybe it's slightly better now but I only graduated a year ago and uptil my last year all students (Qatari's & non-Qatari's) learn.... or more like indoctrinated the same things. Grsnted Qatari's tend to have less of an incentive to study but if you go to these schools it's really really bad.
I beg to differ. I don't know if you or someone you know have children enrolled in public schools but if you do then you know the situation is dispecable to say the least. Maybe it's slightly better now but I only graduated a year ago and uptil my last year all students (Qatari's & non-Qatari's) learn.... or more like indoctrinated the same things. Grsnted Qatari's tend to have less of an incentive to study but if you go to these schools it's really really bad.