I can remember playing out in the vacant lots with all the neighborhood kids..gathering up enough kids to have a game of "pick up" baseball, riding my bike EVERYWHERE..(even where we weren't allowed!), falling out of trees and landing on your back so hard you couldn't breathe for seemed like forever, because it knocked the breath out of you...playing in the creek and coming in so muddy that the only thing recognizable on you were the whites of your eyes...and that was questionable. needless to say..my friends and I drove our parents crazy..

Ohh remember one time taking dad's innertube for the car tire, nailing it up in the tree for a stretchy swing and getting the ever living tar whipped out of us for putting holes in a perfectly good innertube. Ahh..and playing with my older cousins..I was the lady who stood in front of the board whilst they threw darts at me..always supposed to miss, but didn't...that game didn't last long when mom looked out the window and came screeching out the back door for him to stop. Must be nice having younger gullible cousins!

Thanks for the memories!!!