Got to any typing center with your passport, computer card of your company and tell you want to get a Mandoop card, you will first have to change your profession to Mandoop make a new employment contract on company letter head, and make all necessary forms from the typing center, they assist all it cost you 30QR, once you get the new employment contract singed and stamped by you employer, go to chamber of commerce and get it attested (verification of the signature). Now yuou have all the documents required to get a Mandoop card,go to immigration, pay QR. 200/ e-card before going to the counter with all the document and original computer card of your company thats all you will get it the next or the same day. Remember dont trust the typist, he might say you it will take 3 month and he will advice you to apply for temp. 3 card so that he can get double business. Contact me on 4354158 during working hours.
Good luck