babbling brainlessly, wittering on, chewing the cud, talking to the hand, singing:
#I know a song that'll get on yer nerves get on yer nerves get on yer nerves I know a song that'll get on yer nerves .....#
Maybe I'll go and chop up that melon I bought in Mega Mart at Landmark yesterday :P
#I know a song that'll get on yer nerves get on yer nerves ..... #
babbling brainlessly, wittering on, chewing the cud, talking to the hand, singing:
#I know a song that'll get on yer nerves
get on yer nerves
get on yer nerves
I know a song that'll get on yer nerves .....#
Maybe I'll go and chop up that melon I bought in Mega Mart at Landmark yesterday :P
#I know a song that'll get on yer nerves
get on yer nerves ..... #