Those examples were taken from an American site. I haven't studied it, but some of your examples look a bit strange.

"She's got a beautiful new home". Got is past tense of 'to get' and sounds horrible said that way. "She has a beautiful new home" is far nicer and that's how I would say it. (I have an 'O' level in Spoken English, for what it's worth lol)

One wouldn't say 'where did she get such a beautiful house' although you might ask 'HOW did she get ....' :D

We also call a condom a 'rubber', but not in polite circles :P

We would also call someone a 'mean B'stard' if he was nasty, but also used the word 'mean' when referring to an average of something.

Could go on, but I'm getting a stiff neck here lol