The Welsh tongue can sometimes be difficult to understand. I had a Welsh girlfriend staying with me once and we were out in the garden watching squirrels trying to get at the bag of nuts a neighbour had hung in a tree for the birds when another friend called in to visit me and as we were standing in the garden my Welsh friend suddenly screamed out:
"Oh look! Look at that squirrel, hangin' by the nuts"
I almost broke my neck as I spun round!
For those of you who don't know, the Welsh tend to say 'by' instead of 'next to'.
The Welsh tongue can sometimes be difficult to understand. I had a Welsh girlfriend staying with me once and we were out in the garden watching squirrels trying to get at the bag of nuts a neighbour had hung in a tree for the birds when another friend called in to visit me and as we were standing in the garden my Welsh friend suddenly screamed out:
"Oh look! Look at that squirrel, hangin' by the nuts"
I almost broke my neck as I spun round!
For those of you who don't know, the Welsh tend to say 'by' instead of 'next to'.