Hi! I think this forum 'qatar living lounge' is ok if used exactly as it's meant to be used i.e. to chill out and talk about anything not connected with the more serious forums.
The problem is that some posters forget there ARE a selection of forums in which to discuss religion, politics, shopping, traffic, schools, you name it there's probably not a topic which isn't covered by the many other forums OUTSIDE of this one.
If people placed their joke thread in 'funnies' for instance, then there wouldn't be all the jokes and game threads in Qatar Living Lounge and it would be for more general larking about conversations which aren't specific to any other informative forum.
Not sure I'm explaining this correctly, but I know it's been discussed before cos I remember saying that no-one went to check on 'funnies' or 'religious' topics so I ended up copying my thread into THIS lounge - wrong I know, but really people need to get educated on how to use the forums properly. IMHO !!!! I'm not suggesting all the users are unintelligent!!! just not using the forums as they are meant to be used and how Qatari set them up to be used, which all looks pretty logical to me.
When an outsider (or even a registered user) is looking for information about 'life in Qatar, shopping costs etc' they would/should go to the forum which contains that info. NOT this forum. Much easier to find all the info under the one umbrella and without the serious matter being hijacked, as often happens in this forum :D
Yesterday someone posted a thread about shopping costs - I can't remember off hand, but was that put in here? Or did it go into the shopping section where it should have been.....
Hi! I think this forum 'qatar living lounge' is ok if used exactly as it's meant to be used i.e. to chill out and talk about anything not connected with the more serious forums.
The problem is that some posters forget there ARE a selection of forums in which to discuss religion, politics, shopping, traffic, schools, you name it there's probably not a topic which isn't covered by the many other forums OUTSIDE of this one.
If people placed their joke thread in 'funnies' for instance, then there wouldn't be all the jokes and game threads in Qatar Living Lounge and it would be for more general larking about conversations which aren't specific to any other informative forum.
Not sure I'm explaining this correctly, but I know it's been discussed before cos I remember saying that no-one went to check on 'funnies' or 'religious' topics so I ended up copying my thread into THIS lounge - wrong I know, but really people need to get educated on how to use the forums properly. IMHO !!!! I'm not suggesting all the users are unintelligent!!! just not using the forums as they are meant to be used and how Qatari set them up to be used, which all looks pretty logical to me.
When an outsider (or even a registered user) is looking for information about 'life in Qatar, shopping costs etc' they would/should go to the forum which contains that info. NOT this forum. Much easier to find all the info under the one umbrella and without the serious matter being hijacked, as often happens in this forum :D
Yesterday someone posted a thread about shopping costs - I can't remember off hand, but was that put in here? Or did it go into the shopping section where it should have been.....
I need coffee - I've exhausted myself lol