Best. Phone. Ever.

I have it with me, it is the best mobile/portable electronic device ever build. Sleek software / Compact hardware.

Bear in mind that this is only the 1st generation iPhone from a company that does NOT do phones and by far it's already beating the crap out of Nokia and such... (Hardware wise, but also software! Since iPhone run on OS X, other companies will never catch up, Microsoft has been trying to do so since XP and came with CRAPVISTA)

From my point of view, the iPhone will change the whole cellphones industry for good, phone will never be the same. They did the same for the MP3 players, now they have ~80% marketshare.

Those who whine about the iPhone still don't get it I think.

I say:
MMS is lame. (Morons use it anyway)
3G is for the 2nd Gen.
3MP Camera for the 2nd Gen.

Here is some stories about the iPhone to keep you entertained.

Enjoy ;)

"Early iPhone Adopters Extremely Satisfied" -

"Why Is iPhone Better? Here's My Story..." -

"Man Goes Through Vasectomy to Get iPhone" -

"The iPhone is Cool and All, But Can You Stick Your Dick in It?" -


H. Bennis