There are different styles, but the most important thing is the quality of the information that you want to present your self with in your C.V. Not just information about your previous jobs you've held in the past but also information to select the most relevant accomplishments, skills and experience for the paricular position your are seeking. So try to know more about the employer and the position, as the more you know the more you can tailor your resume to fit the job
There are different styles, but the most important thing is the quality of the information that you want to present your self with in your C.V. Not just information about your previous jobs you've held in the past but also information to select the most relevant accomplishments, skills and experience for the paricular position your are seeking. So try to know more about the employer and the position, as the more you know the more you can tailor your resume to fit the job
Have a nice time all the time !