doesn't matter as long as what is done, that needs to be done.

There are just some that choose to nitpick on religious issues(the I'm right and you are wrong issue) and I for one, think it is wrong to do so. Its like the saying..We are all God's children and how could a father love one child more than another one of his children?

I wasn't condeming you for not knowing about the different types of Christians..its a VERY complex history...just pointing out that none of us knows all the ins and outs of each others' religions and in so doing, have no right to point a finger and say "you are wrong for what you believe because....(whatever). Sorry if I said it in the wrong context and upset you.

I have a LOT of Muslim friends and like you, love them...for who they are.

I think the best way for someone to share his/her religion is to lead by example...and that is what MOST muslims and christians do. Its only the radical few that give religions a bad name. Unfortunately those are the most vocal, and so are the most visible.