personal, so don't anyone go jumping on my case...

What I've found is that when someone isn't raised in a firm belief(ANY kind) they feel a sense of being lost at sometime in their life. They are a prime fodder for any religion or group that offers them a sense of belonging, whether it be Christianty, cults, Islam, whatever.

We can all find faults with every single religion..some even within our own denomination, that we don't like. I don't think any religion is "right" or "wrong", mine included. People will believe as they want and no one has the right to tell others that they are lower than them just because they believe differently.

As far as showing of the breasts and other body parts..that's been going on for eons!!..its not a recent thing. The Estruscans had women in dresses that bared the breasts in public and it was accepted as normal. Its up to the individuals to decide what is right for them and not have others force their opinions upon them. Now that being said..if I am in a country, such as Doha..and are out in, say the mall, I would dress so as not to offend the persons of that region. I will however, wear what I choose when in a different environment, such as a hotel where there are more international people and its accepted.