I have been reading all the posts here. This is a hot topic here in Qatar today and no matter how much we discuss we will have to live with this problem for a long time and maybe sometimes voice our concerns.

Regarding the Article : I think that this article is baseless and lacks substance. But it is a fact that as supply meets demand the price will decrease. This is in fact the only logical statement in that article. This article seems like a hopeless consolation to all those having problems with rent here in Qatar.

Regarding Rents in Dubai and expense in Dubai : I totally disagree with dinkyw and I agree with what Amnesia has said about the same. I have been a resident in Dubai for the last 3 yrs and I have never managed to find a flat in Dubai that was cheep. People there are also facing the same problem. There are hikes in Rent in Dubai, Sharjha and Abu Dhabi. In UAE the only places where rent used to be cheep weare Karama (Dubai), Sharjha and Al Ain but that has also changed.

Amnesia you say that you have written a letter to the Ministry on behalf of expatriates. I'm not aware of this. However I'd like to thank you for doing this.

I think its time for the news papers here in Doha to actually interview those who are having a hard time with rent. This problem has taken a toll on many expatriate Families here especially Asian families that run on low wages. And as for such assumptions regarding rent dropping in the next two years I say "baloney !! thats only a hopeless way of consoling those who look forward to a Qatar that is more affordable"... Let's Pray that this issue with rent does not continue....