you calling me an old 'fruit' ?
Think I need to shave of a few lbs also, Azi - not eating doesn't work (well, can't say I've actually tried that, but ...)
I'm looking forward to getting back to Doha for my 7 a.m. swim and a couple of 'making-an-idiot-of-myself' aerobics sessions a week.
If it does nothing else, it make me feel better about myself!!!
you calling me an old 'fruit' ?
Think I need to shave of a few lbs also, Azi - not eating doesn't work (well, can't say I've actually tried that, but ...)
I'm looking forward to getting back to Doha for my 7 a.m. swim and a couple of 'making-an-idiot-of-myself' aerobics sessions a week.
If it does nothing else, it make me feel better about myself!!!