Best way to transfer this loan to the bank in your native
country ( either HSBC or any othet bank). And it possible If you have some asset there, against which you will get your loan passed there. Pls check with your bank at your country. That is the only way.
Simple bank insurance ( i guess 1% of your loan amount) is applicable only if the person who took loan and run away, so that bank will approach to the insurance company to get there balance loan amount and insurance company will try to trace the person.
Best way to transfer this loan to the bank in your native
country ( either HSBC or any othet bank). And it possible If you have some asset there, against which you will get your loan passed there. Pls check with your bank at your country. That is the only way.
Simple bank insurance ( i guess 1% of your loan amount) is applicable only if the person who took loan and run away, so that bank will approach to the insurance company to get there balance loan amount and insurance company will try to trace the person.
May God help you.