Having good news.........Congrates and all the best

yes, there are good south indian consultant like Dr. Khudisha ( from hedrabad), Dr. Hema Rajeev ( rom kerla) etc.

But, apart from or prior to consult with them, i would suggest you to get health card from nearest centre and consult their Gynac.
As all of may be knowing, HMC is following JCI standard and they are doing all sort of screening like various blood test,urine test and family history prior to start the treatment.
This information will always remain in their database, well documented and plays very important role in case, if have to run night hours or during holidays to HMC, as you will not get any support from private clinic during their off working hours.
Also this screening information will always avoid any allergic treatment as well as all precautionary steps will be taken prior to give any medicine. Also HMC is having latest sofisticated machinary, which are maintained and calibrated time to time.

Or else, i would suggest to Al Ahali hospital, but it maight be costly affair for you.