when I was 13 yrs old I went near the graveyard past midnight while coming back from a late night movie with my family. I had a bet with my cousins they dropped me near the gate and drove off...the watchman didnt let me in..he was so drunk.. I was more scared of him than the Ghost. My brother came after 10 mints. I didnt see anyone.
Have you seen one yourself? I dont beleive
when I was 13 yrs old I went near the graveyard past midnight while coming back from a late night movie with my family. I had a bet with my cousins they dropped me near the gate and drove off...the watchman didnt let me in..he was so drunk.. I was more scared of him than the Ghost. My brother came after 10 mints. I didnt see anyone.
Am a brave girl...an scared of humans..lol