Keep all your eight eyes on the road and bare in mind that all other drivers are drunk, blind and on a mission of life or death.
Keep away from anyone in a Land Crusier, they are neither drunk or blind, they just have no brain and are in a desperate rush to get their third McDonalds fix of the day, even if it is only 7am.
NEVER! Drive in the middle lane, this lane is only for people who don't know if they are turning left or right until the last minute when they suddenly wake up from a dream and realise they are driving a 1970's Nissan Cedric.
NEVER! Take the middle lane on a r/a you will get squashed!
One of the strangest rules that I can never get used to is that you should ALWAYS try and turn left from the outside lane of the r/a. I don't know where this rule came from but they all do it, hence the need for 8 eyes and a crystal ball.
Keep all your eight eyes on the road and bare in mind that all other drivers are drunk, blind and on a mission of life or death.
Keep away from anyone in a Land Crusier, they are neither drunk or blind, they just have no brain and are in a desperate rush to get their third McDonalds fix of the day, even if it is only 7am.
NEVER! Drive in the middle lane, this lane is only for people who don't know if they are turning left or right until the last minute when they suddenly wake up from a dream and realise they are driving a 1970's Nissan Cedric.
NEVER! Take the middle lane on a r/a you will get squashed!
One of the strangest rules that I can never get used to is that you should ALWAYS try and turn left from the outside lane of the r/a. I don't know where this rule came from but they all do it, hence the need for 8 eyes and a crystal ball.