Greeker does WOT? OK I will call him ....

But to more serious matters .... it looks to me like most ladies in Doha respect the culture and don't 'dress to tempt' as they may in their home countries.

I've never been one to wear skimpy clothing anyway, so it doesn't bother me at all to wear what I normally would wear on a sunny day in UK. Have to admit I saw some really nice little sun dresses in my local (UK) Marks & Spenser the other day - all strappy and lowish at the front *sigh*. My first thought was that if I bought one I "shouldn't" walk around Doha wearing it. M&S in Doha don't stock that stuff anyway, so that's a kind of guideline I guess.

It's just a case of being sensible.

Many, MANY years ago in Jeddah even wearing a kaftan I could stop traffic! hee hee (that was for you DaRuDe lol)