I'm sorry for how Egyptians feel, but I'm also sorry you can't indulge a silly, middle aged woman who considers that her homeland is still, historically, Christian.

Not Buddhist, not Islamic, not Zen, not Catholic, not Zionist, not Hindu ..... Christian!

The Church of England is the officially established Christian church in England. The Church created by Henry VIII after the Act of Supremacy in 1534. It is similar to the Catholic Church, but has the monarch, not the pope, as its head.

Maybe half the nation, or more, aren't interested in religion but that doesn't alter the fact that the Church of England, or Anglican Church, is the "established" church of the nation.

And I certainly will NOT refer to Christmas as just 'a holiday'.

Christmas is the feast day (festival) commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, thus the word 'Christmas' (literally, the Mass of Christ). It is the day in the Christian calendar which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.

It's not just 'any old holiday' it MEANS something! I'm not quite sure but I think it's second only to Easter in the Christian calender when it comes to the essence of Christianity!

You said "Also Christmas is not and updated name, it’s named the holidays now, and it is for everyone not only the Christians".
So tell me, how are non-Christians celebrating Christmas - by going to Church on Christmas Day? I think not.

OK, so maybe I'm old fashioned, but it's very important to me that my childhood memories, of nativities and midnight masses and all the magic that Christmas held, aren't completely dashed by the politically correct ideologies of today's world.

I really DO need to chill. For some reason all my Catholic pores (which I didn't think I still had) are now open and weeping :o/