wanted to say hi and thanks..and saw this beautiful thread. Now that I'm blushing totally, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind and sweet words. You are the most gentle man I think I know and your heart is as big as...well, Texas..so I therefore name you as an honorary Texan...An honor well bestowed as the original meaning is American Indian, Tejas, which means Friend. dang it..now tears are running down my face cause what you wrote touched me so deeply.

As you said..it was truly a melting pot of all nationalites and religions. I had the best time seeing "old" friends and meeting the "new" ones. To those that came, I thank you so very much...it really does mean a lot to me to see how many showed up. I know some of you couldn't make it for various reasons and I thank you for all your well wishes too! I think Orion's didn't quite know what to do with us all...lol

I ran late as I STILL haven't gotten used to Doha time in traffic..and got caught up in the cars on the corniche...but, Mir was there to welcome me in the parking lot...after having missed his calls due to not reaching my purse in time while trying NOT to get smashed by the cars in the roundabouts. lol Mir, hon, I am SOO sorry I was late...but it was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for being so patient with me. (just a note..it drives my husband nuts too...)

To everyone....you are the most beautiful group of people ever...I don't care what color your skin is, what religion you are or if you are a purple alien that believes in rocks...you are all what makes the world good over here. Remember that even if you think you don't make a difference in the world, you do. The kind smile you offer someone may make the difference in THEIR day...its the ripple effect..and saying this..you guys have made a tidal wave in my life.

Its strange but even though I have been here only a month and yapped your ears off, its seems as though I've known you guys forever. Its not that we didn't have some differences at times and tons of laughs, but the feeling of touching someone, even if via computer..that makes it so amazing.

Ok..those that weren't there...I missed you terribly and knew how much you'd have loved meeting everyone! Those funny little quips and tongue in cheek comments were missed, just as you were.

Now...I am going to give you back something...my friendship...if you guys ever need anything I can help with, please don't hesitate to call upon me. One of the things that I've found from QL is that someone, somewhere, knows someone that can help you...its like a family, Greeker, you are so very right. We may get irritated at each other and want to pull hair out (ok..that's a female thing..cat fight! ) but in the end...we are all family and family ties run deep. If all the world could just take note from this group, it would be a much better place.

Now..in closing...(I know..shut up and go to bed!!!) I love you guys..and YEE HAAAA...Its been one heck of a ride with you guys and I am looking to ride many more miles(kilometers) with all of you! See you in Oct..but I'll be on here for 4 more days...you can't get rid of me THAT soon...lol