it! lol

Walked home one night from a country dance place across the now famous golf course, this guy was with my friend and I. Its now 2 am, we are hungry and had a craving for doritos and hot sauce. Joe mentions he has some in his dorm room but we'd have to be quiet since its a guys only dorm and he could get in trouble if he gets caught. So we sneak up 4 flights of stairs, get to his room and he then says..ohh darn..i forgot I ate them all..then he yells at the top of his lungs... GIRLSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! You could hear all thes doors slamming open against the wall. My friend and I tore out of there, running down the stairs and each level you'd get to, more doors slamming open and more yelling of GIRLLLLLSSSS>.. I don't think I ever ran that hard in my life. This was way back when there were no co-ed dorms..and you got room detention for being caught