she's forgiven me plus she used to do things

we lived in a dorm that had 4 stories to it with a large window at the landing on each floor. One night I was saying goodnight to my date (read that kissing him in front of the downstairs door) and this huge waterfall fell on our heads...Debbie had filled a trash bin with water and had been waiting for me to come home...I didn't even say goodnight to my date, ran upstairs and chased her into her room where she locked the door until the next evening.

We also would go out together and pull pranks. One evening we were cleaning out the dorm frige and there were a dozen eggs that had been there since dinosaurs were on the earth. So..being bored..we walked down was about 11 pm..and a friend of ours lived on a first floor. So we opened up his window and crawled inside..put and egg in his pillow case, one down his boot, and balanced one on the door which was just a bit ajar..then crawled back out the window. Went to the golf course and practiced our pitching at the trees to get rid of the rest of the eggs. The next day we go back to my friends dorm and innocently ask how he is..for whatever reason I asked if he had anything drop in on him..he then get this look in his eyes and yells..HEY MONGO (this guy WAS HUGE!!), it was Scarlett that put the eggs on the door..It had hit his roommate instead of him! So needless to say i got chased all the way back down to my dorm and locked the door..