and you can buy a membership that allows you to use the gym, pool and other facilities..Just have to pick one that is close to where you live and fits your requirements. Also..some of the housing places have tennis courts too.

I know there are many treks you can take. Went sand duning one last March and had a FUN literally FLY over the dunes and then you see this beautiful beach. The drivers have this devilish look on their faces when they hit the top..The day we did it, they served us lunch on the shore..typical food..shwarma..ohh love, its delicious especially if the bread is freshly off the oven...

You can take camel rides into the desert..lovely animals but have a definite attitude..course I would too if I had a large ring in my nose and was lead around by it! lol

you'll enjoy everything here...just come with an open mind and open heart and see everything with fresh eyes...Don't let what others tell you (if its negative), sway you. Make your own decisions.