I personally think, not enough, but some don't agree with the death penalty. We keep getting the dangerous prisoners sent to Texas because we do, or DID, have room for them. Now its become a revolving door...as the numbers get to capacity, they release some of the prisoners out into the public, therefore making more room..Then we get those that should have been on death row, out on the street. Just for example, Houston's crime rate has more than doubled in the last 2 years...check our records on release and you'll see why. Its not a good situation.
I personally think, not enough, but some don't agree with the death penalty. We keep getting the dangerous prisoners sent to Texas because we do, or DID, have room for them. Now its become a revolving door...as the numbers get to capacity, they release some of the prisoners out into the public, therefore making more room..Then we get those that should have been on death row, out on the street. Just for example, Houston's crime rate has more than doubled in the last 2 years...check our records on release and you'll see why. Its not a good situation.