Ok...I fly a LOT in the states and have for many years..what I have found...AA is good IN the states...overseas..don't go there with them.

US AIR...don't go ANYWHERE with them, period. Flew to Germany with my family for a ski trip, got from Houston to Philidelphia and waited 6 hours, boarded then had to wait 2 HOURS on the plane while we waited for 5 more people to arrive due to bad weather. Made us all miss our connecting flights and we had to be rescheduled. They just wanted to fill the plane. On the return flight, same thing, only this time I had been up for over 36 hours, and then when we loaded, they made us all get off the plane and told us we were waiting for another 6 passengers who had "bad weather". As we all kinda gathered around the one guy who was the "official", he said..ohh this NEVER happens, its just a fluke" to which I loudly said Bullsh*t..happened on the flight over to Germany...He gave me a go to heck look and then got bombarded with tons of angry people. So..whoever has a flight with USAir..bless you hon...

Hm...continental...overseas flights are not bad but not up to European standards as the seats even in business don't recline as far as they should and the food's not as good, but they are usually on time and take care of things with a smile. Flight attendants are great. Also, your luggage usually arrives!

Delta..haven't flown much but interstate was alright the times I did.

Just a footnote....Right now American Airlines is having enormous trouble with keeping on time but it isn't their fault. The weather in Texas, where they are based, is horrendous. They are having flooding like you wouldn't believe. Trust me..that's NOT normal for Texas but they are having to deal with the airport being shut down. Can't do anything when its nature related. AA has always been good with finding your luggage should it decide to take a trip of its own.

So, hope this helps everyone...Me, I'm still ticked off at BA...and they are finding out just how annoying an angry Texan can be. :)