Quick note to the moderators: since Qatari invited me to post the events of Doha Expat Mums & Kids on the calendar I'm assuming that it's OK to mention it here as well. Just let me know if this I am overstepping my boundaries :o)


Now that the disclaimer is out of the way. . .yes, there is a mums group here in Doha!

I am the administrator for Doha Expat Mums and Kids and would encourage you to join our group. We have nearly 140 members from 36 different countries.

We only require that prospective members attend an event before joining & gaining access to our members-only website so we can make sure that you are a living breathing expat with enough interest in the group to turn up to at least one event and meet some other mums.

There are heaps of events scheduled for the next couple of weeks, many of which are posted in QL's Events section. You can also find a complete listing of the events, along with more information on our group, on our public website http://www.dohaexpatmumsandkids.com
Click on Activities, then Upcoming for the full listing of upcoming events.

Hope to see you at an event very soon!

Expat SueƱo

P.S. I may have sent you an e-mail a little while ago. . .someone submitted a Membership Form and listed South Africa as their home country :o)