Wanting a Rottweiler is a little like a small man wanting a big car or a small girl wearing shoulder pads and high heels to enhance their self confidence. These Dogs were bred initially as working dogs to pull carts and later as guard dogs as their herding or protective instinct was adapted to other uses. Unless you have a herd of sheep which require protection from wolves u don't need a dog like this. Breeders traditionally bred out any tendency towards aggression in dogs like this, unfortunately the fashion among drug dealers and the like to want a protective dog as a weapon has led to the emergence of an unregulated breed who end up in the hands of people unqualified to be in charge of a Chihuahua. A dog is a friend not a fashion accessory. Remember the oldest covenant in the world is when untold thousands of years ago dogs decided to befriend people rather than attack them! How often have they been betrayed! I have a potentially very dangerous alsation dog, rescued from the street whose aggression I have managed to keep in control. This probably arises from the treatment she received when wandering unloved, Could u be sure of doing the same or would u prefer to be like the grandmother whose bulldog killed her grandchild recently? Forget about keeping a dog like this, leave it to experts, any dog will protect u not just the biggest