prettier (and no sillies, I'm not gay either! lol) I will give you a compliment, and that is for such a young person, you have a wonderfully bright brain in that head of yours. It goes quite well with your personality..which is totally a crack up! I enjoyed getting to know you also, thank you. I look forward to many more get togethers with you and everyone so I can learn more about them as well.

I love getting on forums to share thoughts and jokes and razz whoever I think can take it..but like you, I don't want to offend anyone and I just might, without intending like Gypsy, please let me know privately and I will discuss and if wrong, I will apologize. I'm not into hurting people at all.

Most people give and receive respect on here. However, there are some that can't get past their own importance and therefore have to force their personal issues on others. That's a shame because I'm sure they have a very valid point in there somewhere but everyone will shut down when they start spouting their hatred. They just don't realize that we are all one BIG world and if we all got along and accepted each other as we are, then perhaps all the leaders would too, eventually...(I know, I sound like a Miss America contestant!!! I think... :)) Ohh geez, now even my smilie has a double chin!

Anyway...its very good to have you back to "normal". I was wondering if you had become a Stepford were scaring me.