to the individual person as to what they do or not do. When I am in a mind to lose weight and get in shape..I still go out, I just choose not to drink or eat off my plan. Yep, I get ribbed about it, but in the end I am happy with who I am and that I am a strong enough person to do as I like. I can't imagine never speaking to my parents, ok my mom, since my dad passed away 6 years ago. Believe me, when you lose a parent(friend, sibling, spouse), you'll have wished you talked to them. That's something you can NEVER replace..time spent with people you love. Spitefulness is self abusive...only hurts the person being spiteful. One last thing...when you have that championship belt, will you be happy all alone??? or will you wish to have someone in which to share your joy?
to the individual person as to what they do or not do. When I am in a mind to lose weight and get in shape..I still go out, I just choose not to drink or eat off my plan. Yep, I get ribbed about it, but in the end I am happy with who I am and that I am a strong enough person to do as I like. I can't imagine never speaking to my parents, ok my mom, since my dad passed away 6 years ago. Believe me, when you lose a parent(friend, sibling, spouse), you'll have wished you talked to them. That's something you can NEVER replace..time spent with people you love. Spitefulness is self abusive...only hurts the person being spiteful. One last thing...when you have that championship belt, will you be happy all alone??? or will you wish to have someone in which to share your joy?