Whoa Friends....!!!

Sure Is D Biggest Thread i have come across.

Love & Need...!!!

Kinda Crazy Combination.!!!

If Someone Eva Tells U "I Love U 'Coz I Need U", don't kick him/her yet.

Find out what the need is all about.

Maybe the need is too fill the void in d heart. Now Dats shweet.

But if d need's physical, i guess pain should b inflicted.

" I Love U & I Need U " Sounds Much Mo Betta. Dat's Honesty Which's Supposed To Prevail. But How Far Does Dat Work, No Idea.

I Love My Gal Coz She's Means D World TO Me. It's Been 2 Months Since We have Broken Up But I Still THink ABout Her. I actually smile when I think of her shmile, the honesty in her laughter, the warmth in her hand, the feel of her lips, the depth in her eyes & DATS WHEN I NEED HER. Not only to make love but to feel secure.

So Love & Need does go hand in hand but depends on d MANNER how it's expressed & d person who states it.


Cheers Mate.