I dont remember saying anything bad about her. If I did let me know and I will be glad to retract me statement. I am just saying that there is something fishy.
There are lots of things that do not make any sense in the case. I never talked about her character (Did I). I believe that the link that has been posted does talk about her personal life.
Whereas I am just saying how come it took them so long to realize that she has been killed in cold blood.
I have always been against the abuse of women. I believe that women who are abused in any way whether verbally or physically and then they speak up against it are very brave courageous and strong.
its true that our talk will not help her in any way but I dont see any harm in discussing the shortcoming of HMC. or should we not discuss the faults in the management of HMC?
I think it is in the interest of everyone to have smoke detectors at HMC. I know of many many cases in which people have died at the hospitals just becasue they did not have e.g. smoke alarms.
I wish someone from HMC is reading this post and realized their blunder of not having the smoke detectors.
Listen if we havent discussed how she was murdered we would have never figured out that there are no smoke detectors at HMC. See where did this lead to?