andy williams is good in ,... let me try again
love song,....
The Way You look Tonight ,..,.. Chad & Jerimy but I like Michael Buble's version ,..
Never Never ,..... Shirley Basey sis Azzy loves the song ,...
A Certain Sadness ,.... Astrud Gilberto ,..
a lot more , depends on the mood ,....
Failing to plan is, . . . . . . . planning to fail.
andy williams is good in ,... let me try again
love song,....
The Way You look Tonight ,..,.. Chad & Jerimy
but I like Michael Buble's version ,..
Never Never ,..... Shirley Basey
sis Azzy loves the song ,...
A Certain Sadness ,.... Astrud Gilberto ,..
a lot more , depends on the mood ,....
Failing to plan is, . . . . . . . planning to fail.