Yea u need it, sponsor is ultimately responsible for u and ur debts if u run off, thats y
btw I did this last week and was almost sent away because I didn't have CR (commercial Reg) of Company with me luckily th major was there and said ok.
All these rules are there because of people cheating in the past, all the innocent suffer these inconveniences when the real crooks have their own ways of evading laws, as in yesterdays newspaper report of fraudsters departing with QR 1M of other peoples money.
Yea u need it, sponsor is ultimately responsible for u and ur debts if u run off, thats y
btw I did this last week and was almost sent away because I didn't have CR (commercial Reg) of Company with me luckily th major was there and said ok.
All these rules are there because of people cheating in the past, all the innocent suffer these inconveniences when the real crooks have their own ways of evading laws, as in yesterdays newspaper report of fraudsters departing with QR 1M of other peoples money.