It seems to me that the worst drivers are: Canadians, Americans, Scots, Japanese, French, ....

The best drivers are Qataris, Italians, Egyptians, ...

It depends on your definition of good driver, these are some of the things I don't consider "good driving":

  • Driving slower than the speed limit.
  • Being scared of the road and police officers
  • Waiting an hour for the roundabout to "clear".
  • Defensive driving.
  • Treating the car as a useful device that gets you from A to B
  • Hate the way some others drive.

and some of the things I DO consider "good driving":

  • Driving as fast as possible without getting in any accidents or getting caught by a radar.
  • You can't pass in front of them.
  • Offensive driving. (The Best Defense Is a Good Offense)
  • Enjoy driving the car the way they do.
  • It's always a good time for a street race.