The real world: a society where men and women interact at work in a professional manner. Yes, that´s my real world. Maybe yours is similar to BBK´s world where there are different cities for men and women.
I´m not all for co-education in schools, having spent the first 15 years of my life in an all girls environment, I understand that it has some benefits too.

But we are talking about Universities here, Tendai. Intelligent and mature women that have high aspirations of becoming doctors, lawyers, economists, managers, pilots etc and their co-workers, bosses and hopefully subordinates will be men. If you think that´s against the cultural and religious identity of Qatar, then I suggest you take a longer and wiser look around. This is not Saudi where women are only allowed to perform certain duties.

"The real world for millions of Muslims IS gender segregated" Now that´s BS, unless you are talking about some kind of Taliban where educating women (or men for that matter) is not a priority.

As far as I´m concerned, Universities are to educate people in the real world and co-education is the only option. And no more needs to be said.