Work takes me away sometimes and when it starts doing that it's like a cycle that doesn't stop for months. Then it's time to catch up with the wife and kids and everything else that goes on in my absence.

Find a babysitter for your kid and find time for yourself and husband to do something together. Kids, especially in the early years can take over our lives but we need time.

Had Baskin Robins tonight. I got one of those strawberry shakes for myself and donuts for about 8 kids camped outside my house.

Tried to replace the fluorescent bulb in the garage but new one didn't work and I don't mess with electrics in the dark.

Also bought a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse set and hooked it up to the laptop connected to the plasma TV in the living room. So kept myself busy. I'm trying to avoid resorting to the PSP.

Why don't you let some mean tunes rip?

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