Always check the seller rating. Anything in the 99% seller rating should be ok.

Click the "Read Feedback Comments" link and see what buyers have said about the seller. Pay close attention to negative feedback and any responses from the seller.

You can always ask the seller a question about the item you are interested in. I encourage you to do so even if you have nothing to ask. This serves to (a) Show how quick a response you get. A few sellers don't even bother to answer. Walk away from them. (b) show how friendly the seller is; some are almost rude.

Always read the fine print regarding payment and shipping. I came across one seller who wanted to be paid within 2 hours of auction's end and apparently (from the feedback) sent nasty emails to buyers who overstepped the 2-hour cutoff limit.

If the item is precious get shipping insurance. That way the seller can't say I sent it but am not responsible.

Don't assume Power Sellers with thousands of transactions under their belt are trustworthy.

More later.

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