Now you will have to suffer, because the person who did the accident he will 100 riyla fine and after that he will be relax if no damage to his car. But you will have to go any garage show them insurance paper as given by police they will keep your car for repairing and minimum 1 week they will take to repair, so for this period you will have to suffer for Taxi and visit minimum 3 times to industrial area and after all this effort you will get your car. So this is process here.
Now you will have to suffer, because the person who did the accident he will 100 riyla fine and after that he will be relax if no damage to his car. But you will have to go any garage show them insurance paper as given by police they will keep your car for repairing and minimum 1 week they will take to repair, so for this period you will have to suffer for Taxi and visit minimum 3 times to industrial area and after all this effort you will get your car. So this is process here.