mostly of the Police will do trick (REVERSE PHSYCOLOGY), so listen to what they ask you to do but BE CAREFUL of doing it (FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT), if you think you are a on a right path then do it so but if you think it is only a trick or trying to apply reverse physcology then do not follow that command and do what is right.
for example: the police will let you to stop "overtake" on a solid line and he will instruct you to overtake , DO NOT FOLLOW him because solid line is non-overtaking and if you will follow him then for sure you will FAIL...
mostly of the Police will do trick (REVERSE PHSYCOLOGY), so listen to what they ask you to do but BE CAREFUL of doing it (FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT), if you think you are a on a right path then do it so but if you think it is only a trick or trying to apply reverse physcology then do not follow that command and do what is right.
for example: the police will let you to stop "overtake" on a solid line and he will instruct you to overtake , DO NOT FOLLOW him because solid line is non-overtaking and if you will follow him then for sure you will FAIL...