
You are preaching to the choir. Question them to see how far their understanding of the items they posted. Respectfully of course because no matter what a persons beliefs are you should never bash them for them. I don't agree with you on the single parent issue but thats what you believe. If you start questioning then it makes them have to go and research. I have had some really good conversation with some evangelicals, buddhist, Jews, you name it but the discussions never lost the respect factor. I can say I did my job also because I presented my religion not my opinions but my religion now it is up to Allah to change a persons heart.

Allah does not need us to spread Islam as you noticed, not too many Muslims were over in America before 9/11 giving out phamplets or posting on web forums that Islam is the only way and everyone else is going to hell. However this one event caused Muslims to run and hide, sisters taking off Hijabs, Turbans flying off, and an American flag up in every Masjid on all the cars in the parking lots, and I am modern not a fundamentalist mentality. If you look though at the number of people who actually started to ask and research about what Islam truly you would see. If you look at the number who actually became Muslim after their studying and research regardless of what was portrayed in the media or by us about Islam you would start to see. This is a modern example that guidance is from our creator look at the history of most Muslims areas and ask how did they become Muslims did someone go out with a phamplet or bullhorn and shout Islam is the only way, accept it or you will go to hell? Did someone post on a desert sign board Islam is the only way?

Act your age not your shoe size