Are you made because they took your advert for a girlfriend off? Are you into the ladies? OK for the slow people its a joke.

I used to enjoy watching the shouting matches on campus between the Gideons and the other evangelicals, agnostics, atheist and others. It made me understand people are confused as the day they were born and won't be happy until they make you unhappy right along with them. It was better than watching wrestling WWE version.

Please to my Muslim brothers and sisters who have never leaved in the West. Dawa is not just about giving phamplets, posting articles on a web forum but in how you live your life and your treatment of others especially your guests. If people have questions usually they will ask but believe me they are watching us in our actions. So before you post make sure that you are correcting your own actions before trying to correct others, make sure that your own family understands the information you posted, make sure that your neighbors or friends who are Muslim understand the information also. I say this because of the amount of confusion thats is caused by many Muslims who don't understand their own religion but try to force their version of Culture Islam off on someone else.

The same as some Christian do to Muslims or others in predominately Christian countries and even in Muslim countries. I have met Evangelicals who know Islam better than Muslims and they specifically go to Muslims countries to convert people who usually are practicing Culture Islam like some Christians practice Culture Christianity. i.e. see you on Easter, Christmas, both Eids, and what ever saints birthday or death that you observe.

Act your age not your shoe size