Take then kitten to the vet after Eid. If the kittens are 2 weeks then they will not be capable of feeding themselves. You need to either use a special kitten bottle or go to the pharmacy and buy a 1 or 2ml syringe and feed it.
It is very difficult to teach them to feed from an artificial feeder (not mother) and you must not force it to feed or it will die. Once they get the hang of it they thrive.
Food. You can either go to the pharmacy and buy lactose free baby formula or if not possible, dilute rainbow milk. Make sure it is body temperature.
After feeding it is very important that you check to see if the kitten is able to urinate on his own. If you don't notice wetting, rub his or her genital area to stimulate the bladder. The mother would usually do this for them.
It is also important that you wipe the kitten daily with warm, slightly damp cotton wool, very gently. This is how they learn to wash themselves.
This advice is second to that of taking the kitten to the vet but I appreciate that they are closed for Eid.
Good luck, pm me for advice if you wish.