you should be able to find a network of girlfriends when you get here. Ignore the guys comments. Obviously, some of the ones who've posted here think any woman who seeks female friendships must be gay. The others will hit on anything that might remotely be female.
Guys, grow up. The reason you all can't get girlfriends is because you come on so strong so early on and it's so sleazy. Where do you all learn your moves? Sleazes R Us?
you should be able to find a network of girlfriends when you get here. Ignore the guys comments. Obviously, some of the ones who've posted here think any woman who seeks female friendships must be gay. The others will hit on anything that might remotely be female.
Guys, grow up. The reason you all can't get girlfriends is because you come on so strong so early on and it's so sleazy. Where do you all learn your moves? Sleazes R Us?
As Serendipity said, take the hint.