
The point was not that we should stop but rather focus the way we fight. We have to look at the situation fully and then move forward. One of the ways of moving forward is to make sure that you are not a part of the problem. Albeit it is the hardest way to work on issues.

Human beings tend to focus on others rather than their on issues. You should never stop trying to help others however you should never stop correcting yourself either. I know many people in Women's, Gay, and Civil Right's movements who are the worst people and will do some very low down things to keep their topic in the public view. They usually jump from one hot topic or situation to the next. However the cause of the problems or issues still exist and no one tries to address it.

We have won when there is no need for women's shelters not when there is an abundance of them. The last time I checked more are opening every day. We have won when there is no need for an abortion clinic not when we have them advertising and competing for customers. We have won when there are no more liquor, car, burger advertisements with half naked women in them. Do you think these ads are a coincidence? We have won when all human beings are treated as equal not just a certain group.

Richard didn't England benefit from the slave trade also. The same as colonialism which also fueled the class structure back home. The abolishing of the slave trade was then helping to correct the structure at home. As I said though people like to trumpet such events but don't look at the full picture. The slave trade was abolished but it continued in the form of colonialism until recently and today under the disguise of world trade. Free or cheap labor. I would argue the effects of which can still be seen in many countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The same way that slavery continued in the US under the disguise of Jim Crow and Sharecropping and today with migrant labor.

Act your age not your shoe size