I think i need to come very often to this thread, its becoming intresting to read.
NEO: There were quite a few intresting, TALL and goodlooking guys, dancing their way on SUKETU nite,and i wudnt know if you were at all part of them.But seems like you had a great time,so KITNE LADKIYA AAP PAR FIDA HUYE.
Me i was dressed in Striking RED, u wudnt have been able to MISS me.
Motiv8er : Baby intresting offer, let me ponder on it for a while.
RATHORE: From the feel of it you know Mv8er personally,unlike me.Would you personally Root for him .
Morning one and all
I think i need to come very often to this thread, its becoming intresting to read.
NEO: There were quite a few intresting, TALL and goodlooking guys, dancing their way on SUKETU nite,and i wudnt know if you were at all part of them.But seems like you had a great time,so KITNE LADKIYA AAP PAR FIDA HUYE.
Me i was dressed in Striking RED, u wudnt have been able to MISS me.
Motiv8er : Baby intresting offer, let me ponder on it for a while.
RATHORE: From the feel of it you know Mv8er personally,unlike me.Would you personally Root for him .
Girls : SHRA and HAN -what do you say!!!!!