If you are paid monthly but submit weekly time sheets, this could mean the first month is paid around the 7th or 8th of the following month in which you started, I.E, you work from 1st August to 31 August, you can collect this salary on or by the 7th of Sept. That is how a few companies with big workforces do it, you need to talk to your employer if they are taking longer, the upside is that he following month is paid on the 7th also, so the wait is only a 30 day wait, not like 37/38 the first time.
If you are paid monthly but submit weekly time sheets, this could mean the first month is paid around the 7th or 8th of the following month in which you started, I.E, you work from 1st August to 31 August, you can collect this salary on or by the 7th of Sept. That is how a few companies with big workforces do it, you need to talk to your employer if they are taking longer, the upside is that he following month is paid on the 7th also, so the wait is only a 30 day wait, not like 37/38 the first time.